CONA's children-scientists get their first assignment

CONA just reached another milestone. On Friday children from Alexandra Primary School took home the first of our next generation of PACMAN air quality monitors that they helped to build. Children from Alexandra Primary School build their PACMAN indoor air quality monitors, helped by PACMAN's designer, Gustavo Olivares Over the last few years we have been trying to make the PACMAN's component parts easier to assemble (and harder to get wrong). One easy way to check our progress is to ask a class of 9 to 11 years olds to see if they can build them. Back in May we tried that, albeit under a degree of time pressure. However, after only half an hour or so they had got about three-quarters of the way there. We brought the nearly-completed monitors back to the office and finished them off. Last week we sent them back to school. After a quick video hook-up to remind the children of their instructions, 11 children used our online management form to book a unit out and take it home. At...