Unlocking Curious Minds - What's In Your Air, Alex?

In winter 2018 the NIWA Air Quality and Weather Forecasting teams will be joining forces with children and staff at Alexandra School in Otago in a project called "What's In Your Air, Alex?" This will give children and staff a chance to participate in a piece of genuine scientific research which will help us understand the air quality problem in Alexandra in much more detail. This opportunity has arisen because NIWA scientists have chosen Alexandra as the next town to trial the "ODIN" - a low-cost air quality monitor that can be installed in large numbers around the town. These devices feed data to NIWA where it is combined and turned into animated maps of air quality, which can be combined with the weather forecast. ODINs (left) form a network of sensors (centre) collecting data that can be turned into animated maps (right) At Alexandra School, we're giving children the chance to participate in this project in four ways: Make measurements of air quality and...